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WRITTEN BY: Tammy C. Perez, M.A., NCC, LCDC, LPC

REVIEWED BY: Dr. Terry Schroeder on April 18, 2023

Histamine Intolerance (HIT)


What is Histamine Intolerance?

Histamine intolerance is when too much histamine is produced or cannot be adequately broken down and eliminated from the body. Histamine is a naturally occurring compound involved in many bodily processes, including immune response and digestion. High histamine levels can lead to various symptoms, such as headaches, skin rashes, hives, itching, gastrointestinal disturbances, and respiratory problems.


What causes Histamine Intolerance?

Histamine intolerance is caused by a deficiency in the enzyme diamine oxidase, or DAO, which breaks down histamine in the body. The small intestine produces diamine oxidase. Damage or inflammation in the small intestine can decrease DAO levels, resulting in histamine intolerance.


Additional factors contributing to histamine intolerance include genetic predisposition, medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol consumption, and certain medical conditions such as mast cell activation syndrome and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.


Consuming high-histamine foods can also contribute to the condition, particularly if the body's ability to break down histamine is already compromised. These foods include aged cheeses, cured meats, shellfish, certain vegetables such as tomatoes and spinach, and fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, and kombucha.


What are the symptoms of Histamine Intolerance?

Histamine intolerance has various symptoms. The most common conditions are headaches, flush and itchy skin, hives, congestion, difficulty breathing, and swelling of the face, mouth, throat, or tongue.


Symptoms of histamine intolerance also include rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, anxiety, panic attacks, and digestive issues such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, or bloating.


These symptoms can occur within minutes or several hours after consuming foods high in histamine or foods that trigger the release of histamine in the body.


How is Histamine Intolerance treated?

Alleviating symptoms of histamine intolerance involves treating the factors that cause the disorder. Common methods used for treatment include identifying and eliminating high-histamine foods, taking antihistamines, improving gut health, and addressing underlying health conditions.


Foods with elevated histamine or that trigger its release should be avoided, including fermented foods, aged cheeses, alcohol, and certain types of fish. Antihistamines can help reduce symptoms but only temporarily and do not address the underlying cause.


A healthy gut microbiome can help improve the body's ability to metabolize histamine. Gut improvement can be developed by consuming probiotics, prebiotics, and other dietary changes. Some health conditions, such as leaky gut syndrome and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, can also contribute to histamine intolerance. Treating these underlying conditions can help alleviate symptoms.


How does Histamine Intolerance affect brain wellness?

Histamine intolerance can have various effects on brain wellness. For example, it can lead to brain fog, a condition of mental fatigue and confusion, which makes it difficult to focus and think. Histamine regulates wakefulness and sleep. Excess histamine can disrupt this balance, resulting in fatigue and mental fog.


Histamine intolerance can also lead to migraines, which are severe headaches accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines are believed to be caused by blood flow changes within the brain, which histamine helps regulate. Excess histamine can trigger migraines, whose symptoms also affect cognitive function.


Additionally, histamine intolerance can contribute to anxiety and depression. Histamine is involved in the regulation of mood and emotions. An imbalance of histamine in the body can lead to feelings of anxiety, nervousness, and low mood.


How can Brain Frequency™ help?

The Brain Frequency™ AI system is an innovative therapeutic approach to improving brain health and wellness. We use proprietary science-based technology to promote optimal brain functioning across mental, emotional, physical, and social domains. Our diagnostic technology and individualized treatment protocols help decrease or eliminate trauma-related symptoms and various mental health disorders.


The Brain Frequency™ 3 Step Treatment Process consists of; first, performing a Baseline EEG and completing Psychometric Assessments; second, conducting a Brain Frequency Consultation; and third, Initiating Treatment.

An Electroencephalogram (EEG) analyzes brain waves and produces a brain map identifying current and optimal frequencies in 19 areas of the brain. Based on the individualized brain map, Brain Frequency™ will determine possible diagnoses of various mental health disorders or brain trauma for the provider to consider during treatment. Brain Frequency™ AI software provides clinicians with an "Approval Ready" treatment plan using personalized protocols based on each patient's needs.


Those suffering from symptoms of histamine intolerance can efficiently and effectively improve their brain health and wellness by using the Brain Frequency™ AI system. Our innovative system drastically reduces the time needed to properly diagnose and construct treatment plans leading to a faster recovery and greater quality of life.




Substance Abuse & Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA):


Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA):


National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH):


Center For Disease Control & Prevention (CDC):

American Psychological Association (APA):


National Institutes of Health (NIH):


National Suicide Prevention Line:


National Library of Medicine:


Mayo Clinic:




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